Release Process

Information on the release process and guidelines for maintainers.


All releases should have a milestone used to track the release. If the release version is not known, as covered in version string, then an “x” may be used for the unknown number, or the generic term “next” may be used. The description field of the milestone will be used to record the CHANGELOG for that release. See changelog update for details.

Version Numbers

Our releases will follow the semantic versioning scheme. You can find a thorough description of this scheme here: In short, this scheme has 3 parts to the version number: A.B.C

  • A is the ‘major’ version, incremented when an API incompatible change is made

  • B is the ‘minor’ version, incremented when an API compatible change is made

  • C is the ‘micro’ version, incremented for bug fix releases

Please refer to the Semantic Versioning website for the authoritative description.

Version String

The version string is set by setup tools using use_scm_version. Thus one must get a source built package from pypi or use the git repository.


The auto-generated zip and tarballs from GitHub WILL NOT WORK.

The version string must be in the form A.B.C where A, B and C are integers representing the major, minor and micro components of the version number.

Release Candidates

In the run up to a release the maintainers may create tags to identify progress toward the release. In these cases we will append a string to the release number to indicate progress using the abbreviation rc for “release candidate”. This string will take the form of -rcX. We append an incremental digit X in case more than one release candidate is necessary to communicate progress as development moves forward.


Before tagging the repository with the release version, the maintainer MUST update the CHANGELOG file with the contents from the description field from the corresponding release milestone and update any missing version string details in the CHANGELOG and milestone entry.

Git Tags

When a release is made a tag is created in the git repo identifying the release by the version string. The tag should be pushed to upstream git repo as the last step in the release process.

Signed tags

Git supports GPG signed tags and for releases after the 1.1.0 release will have tags signed by a maintainer. For details on how to sign and verify git tags see

Hosting Releases on PyPI

The CI system has been automated to automatically create a release on any signed tag. This release will be packaged and uploaded to PyPi

Hosting Documents on ReadTheDocs

For each tag, a ReadTheDocs (RTD) build must be conducted on LGTM manually after the release has been conducted. Maintainers should have access to the RTD page where they can select the reference and “activate” it in the release list. A fly-out menu contains the various versions and latest will point to master. See for more details.


Release Candidate Tags should be removed to prevent cluttering of the available document versioning.

Signing Keys

The GPG keys used to sign a release tag and the associated tarball must be the same. Additionally they must: * belong to a project maintainer * be discoverable using a public GPG key server * be associated with the maintainers github account


Release candidates and proper releases should be announced on the TPM2 mailing list: This announcement should be accompanied by a link to the release page on Github as well as a link to the accompanying the release.